• sikha@srreoshi.in
  • 91 9932621323
Contact Info
Ruba Banerjee

Ruba Banerjee is an experienced person in the field of socio- economic development.  She holds double MA in Journalism from Calcutta University, and UNC-CH, USA (Advertising and social marketing), she has 30+ years’ experience in working with several NGOs in domains of Education, Protection, Health and Nutrition, Adolescent issues, Women’s rights and Land and Livelihood.

Ruba has also done qualitative research and BTL marketing for corporate organisations. Gender, women’s empowerment, and communication are issues that cut across all programs.

Her work has focused on writing in varied formats across these domains. As a consultant, she has supported organisations in developing a wide range of documents including process documentation reports, communication tools and games, information and educational material, strategy papers, policy briefs, and annual reports. Research (primarily qualitative research) has been a critical part of her work as writer and content developer.  She has also trained field staff on collection and compilation of data, qualitative research methods, and documentation.