• sikha@srreoshi.in
  • 91 9932621323
Contact Info
Debartha Banerjee

Sampurn(e)arth Environment Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Debartha Banerjee serves as one of the Co-Founders and Directors of Sampurn(e)arth. He is an engineer and completed Master in Social Entrepreneurship from Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

He has a keen interest in Worker cooperatives, Technology & Innovation, Sustainable Development, and Social Entrepreneurship. Sampurn(e)arth founded in 2012 is built on the vision of a world where waste is transformed into utilizable resources without exploitation of people or the planet. It works with the Government, Communities, and Informal waste markets. Sampurn(e)arth runs and manages dry waste collection and Plastic recycling facilities across the country to process plastics and other categories of Dry waste in association with Municipal Bodies while mainstreaming the informal markets forming waste-pickers and other informal workers. Sampurn(e)arth also offers customized organic waste treatment with Biogas and Composting solutions for the processing of organic waste into fertilizer, cooking gas, and electricity for communities as well as Municipal Bodies.

Amongst many awards and accolades, Sampurn(e)arth founders have been featured in the list of ’30 under 30 Social Entrepreneurs’ by Forbes Asia,  been awarded the Best Social Enterprise at National Entrepreneurship Awards by Skill Development Ministry, and also awarded by the Bharat Chamber off Commerce for Environmental Impact and Awareness. The work has been featured in Satyamev Jayate and many other popular mediums.  Recently Niti Ayog also published case studies about the work with Goa Urban Local Bodies under best practices in Plastic Waste Management.