Executive Board Members
Since the inception of its journey, SRREOSHI has been functioning with the spirit of collective progress towards a world of sustainability. We thrive to contribute towards the achievement of SDGs, with specific focus on the issue of empowerment of women and girls.
Board of Advisors
SRREOSHI believes in the spirit of collective journey to achieve the desired goal of sustainability, across all spheres of life. We appreciate the contribution of people from various fields of life to enrich our attempts for achieving the target of sustainable and inclusive development.
Our Community Workers
We have a dedicated team of professionals from the community where we are working. We identified and trained them and currently, they themselves are implementing our community based interventions with the objective of achieving the collective target of SDGs
Address: 54/3, Anand Vihar, Durgapur-713204
Registration No: SO129565 (Previously – S/1L/29565)
Ph.No: 9433156860 ; 9932621323
E-mail : sikha@srreoshi.in
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