Skill Development Training & sustainability on Handicrafts (Sabai Grass & Jute Yarn Artifacts) for Tribal / Marginalized Women
Supported by: India Power Corporation Limited
Under this intervention, a total of 30 women from Scheduled Tribes community are being trained on sustainable and market viable livelihoods skills. In addition to the training, linkages with available services and supports from the government is made through registration of these women as Artisans, with access to Artisan cards. Women have received training, raw materials to start practicing income generating activities.
SRREOSHI believes in ‘Collectivisation of efforts’ in sustaining the intervention results, even after phasing out of the project from the area. Leveraging resources from another project, which is done in collaboration with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), 10 women entrepreneurs have received financial support for expanding their business. Even in a period less than one year, the project has created great impact in the income level of the women who participated under this programme.
Bedharak Bolo (Talk freely): Awareness Generation among adolescent students across government schools
Supported by: NTPC SAIL Power Corporation Limited - Durgapur
Under this innovative project, a total of 4000 students on various aspects of Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH). This programme has been creating enormous impact among the students and we have been receiving requests from schools to extend this intervention in wider areas also.
Considering the great interest from the students and teachers, we are planning to launch a portal with available information on ARSH with a link for asking questions for reliable answers. As reported by the participants, the project has created an enabling environment among the students to talk, learn and take informed decision about their health that includes their mental health also.
For photographs on the progress of this innovative project, please click here
Entrepreneurship development for women (SRREOSHI Startup Incubator)
Since 2017, SRREOSHI has been working in partnership with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) to promote and support the micro entrepreneurship and startup interventions by women. SRREOSHI conducts training for women on various aspects of business development and management across various states of India.
SRREOSHI is privileged to join TISS Incube Foundation (TIF) in collaboration with the Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK) to implement the “Certificate Programme in Technology- Based Social Entrepreneurship’ for Grassroot entrepreneurs from the villages of West Bengal. SRREOSHI acts as an incubation center to support women entrepreneurs from marginalised communities with training, input and handholding supports.
Sustainable livelihoods skill development for women from marginalised communities
Supported by : NIDHI (CSR division of NUVACO VISTAS Corporation Limited)
Another very impactful programme of women empowerment through their capacity building on marketable livelihoods skills are being implemented in Durlovpur village of Bankura district. In addition to capacity building on livelihoods skills, specific attention is given on building capacity on business planning and management.
SRREOSHI has the plan to bring all these women under the coverage of our digital literacy programmes.
Holistic Community Development project: A Model Village Approach by SRREOSHI
For the past few years, SRREOSHI has been working very closely with the people of Charidanga… a tribal village in West Burdwan district of West Bengal. In coordination with others, SRREOSHI provides supplementary education, nutrition for children, women with a vision of ‘Gramodoya’ concept.
We have implemented interventions under this vision of ensuring holistic development of communities in Bankura district of West Bengal in collaboration with our long term partner OASIS.
Nutrition, Health and Education support to children from marginalised and excluded communities.
Supported by : Lilabati and Phanindranath Day Memorial Trust
With this continued and gracious support from the trust, SRREOSHI extended support to more than 40 Children from Charidanga village of West Bardhaman district of West Bengal.
Address: 54/3, Anand Vihar, Durgapur-713204
Registration No: SO129565 (Previously – S/1L/29565)
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