• sikha@srreoshi.in
  • 91 9932621323
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Any development work, more specifically women and girls empowerment requires a coordinated efforts from all! Let's stay connected!!


    54/3, Anand Vihar, Durgapur-713204


    Ph.No.: 9433156860; 9932621323
    E-mail : sikha@srreoshi.in

    SRREOSHI has been working for more than past 25 years in the direction of inclusive development & empowerment of women and girls

    Address: 54/3, Anand Vihar, Durgapur-713204
    Registration No: SO129565 (Previously – S/1L/29565)

    Ph.No: 9433156860 ; 9932621323
    E-mail : sikha@srreoshi.in