• sikha@srreoshi.in
  • 91 9932621323
the Power of
Women & Girls
Welcome to Srreoshi
Welcome to Srreoshi
Livelihoods for Women
Welcome to Srreoshi

Women & Girls can build a better tomorrow for all

It's the commitment that helped SRREOSHI to survive and grow to address the needs of women and girls from marginalised and excluded section of the community. Sikha Roy, Founder and Secretary of SRREOSHI talks about the inspiration behind the journey

Our focus areas of intervention

Sustainable Livelihoods for Women

Digital orientation for Women & Girls

Sexual & Reproductive Health of Women and Girls

Land- Based Livelihoods for Women & Girls

Entrepreneurship Development for Women

Research on Women & Girls

Women empowerment is not an option but a mandate for attaining sustainability.

We already discussed a lot about empowerment of women and girls! It’s time to act in a concerted manner towards making it a reality across all subsets of population, including the marginalised and excluded communities.

We try to understand the actual need

We have experiences from our intervention areas that building capacity of women and girls is the easiest way to ensure a holistic development of the entire community.

Our Partners

Upcoming Events

Help us now

SRREOSHI has been working for more than past 25 years in the direction of inclusive development & empowerment of women and girls

Address: 54/3, Anand Vihar, Durgapur-713204
Registration No: SO129565 (Previously – S/1L/29565)

Ph.No: 9433156860 ; 9932621323
E-mail : sikha@srreoshi.in